Grief Resources

people grieving on a bench outside

Grief is Hard

Everyone processes the loss of a loved one in different ways. We have compiled a few ways that might help you cope with your grief or help someone you know. 

Understanding Grief

We frequently find grieving to be such a difficult challenge because we have never learned what to anticipate.
What might help is knowing that grief is normal. It's our body's response to great loss. Though it's normal, it's still hard to process. The best way to get through grief is by feeling it and not avoiding it. It's important to find that courage and push through it. This will require hard work and oftentimes will come along with fatigue. It can be unpredictable and last much longer than most people think so don't worry if you feel like it's been a long time since the loss and you're still grieving. Trust the process and over time you will start to feel better. It will come in waves long after the loss so be prepared for this as well.

Children & Grief

Children experience loss as well. Different ages understand and deal with loss in their own ways. Here are just a few notes to consider when speaking to children about loss:
 - Describe the death of a loved one by using simple direct language.
 - Be honest. Never teach a child something they will later have to unlearn.
 - Allow children to express all their emotions
 - Don’t just talk to children but listen to them as well.
 - Don’t expect the child to react immediately. Be patient and available
 - Understand your own adult feelings about death and grief, for until we have come to terms with it for ourselves, it will be difficult to convey a positive attitude to children.

Helping Someone Else

Most of us have had someone we know or love experience loss. Here are just a few tips on how to support them:
 - Be there and available. Sometimes all it takes is just being present and no action is required.
 - Listen, listen, listen. Talking is a great way to help with grieving. Encourage them to talk to you about the loss.
 - Let them know their feelings are valid. 
 - Be prepared for possible angry responses but allow them and tolerate them.
 - Give hope!

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